How to Conquer the Emotions of Decluttering

When it’s time to let stuff go, organize and clean it out, it’s HARD. It’s emotional. Sometimes it’s even a little painful.

But it’s also rewarding. When your space is clean, organized, and welcoming, it’s calming.

Why do we hold on to stuff?

Why do we hold on to stuff?

We form emotional attachments to stuff. We associate our memories: our happy times, our darling little toddlers in matching pink jackets playing in the autumn leaves.

So how can we overcome the emotions of decluttering and LET GO?

Follow these 3 simple rules that remove EMOTIONS from the decision-making process...


Everything Must Have a Home


Everything Must Have a Current Purpose


Get Rid of it Quickly

To learn more about these helpful rules  how to use them in your home, swipe up!

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