How to Decoupage Furniture

Learn how to decoupage furniture with fabric with this detailed tutorial! For this tutorial, I'm sharing how it works for a chair, but you can do it on nearly any piece of non-upholstered furniture.

Supplies needed:

– Fabric – A basic wood chair  – Matte Mod Podge – Exacto knife – Foam paint brush


Lay your fabric on a flat surface. Place the seat of your chair on top of the fabric and trace the perimeter of the wood

Next, coat the surface of your seat with Mod Podge.  Then lay your fabric on top and smooth out any wrinkles/bubbles.  Once your fabric is in place, coat the top of the fabric with Mod Podge as well.  Allow it to dry overnight.



By the next morning, your fabric should feel nice and stiff, particularly around the edges of the wood.  If it does, you are ready to trim off your excess fabric with a sharp craft or utlity knife.  Use the edge of your chair as the guide and cut off your fabric as close to the edge of the wood as possible.

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