How to Clean an Area Rug Like a Pro

Could your area rugs use a deep cleaning? Probably. I'm a huge fan of area rugs, but I also know that they get dirty from us walking on them, not to mention what pets and kids can do to them.

Generally speaking, natural fiber rugs (like wool rugs) should be cleaned gently with a cold water process. Synthetic rugs, on the other hand, can handle hot water and strong cleaning solutions and detergents. Check the tag on your rug if you aren't sure what fiber your rug is made from.


Cleaning Stains and Spills

For oil-based spills, use cornstarch or baking soda before blotting up as much as you can with a dry cloth. Then dampen the spot with warm water and blot it up with clean towels. After you have blotted away as much as you can, I recommend using Folex on the area.


Deep Cleaning Your Area Rug With a Rug Cleaner

At least once a year, you should be deep cleaning your area rugs. And I promise it's not time-consuming or difficult. Best of all, you can do it yourself and save tons of money by not having to a hire a professional. 

My Favorite Carpet Cleaning Machine

I use the Hoover SmartWash Carpet Cleaner. It's as easy as vacuuming, though you move it a bit more slowly than you would a vacuum. It's so much better than having to rent one, haul it home and return it. We use ours all the time!

To see more rug cleaning tips for links to the products I use, swipe up!

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