The Best Paints to Use on Furniture

I am a big believer in breathing new life into furniture pieces with a beautiful paint job. But not all paint is created equally. Choosing the best paint for your piece of furniture is CRUCIAL to getting the results you want.


The signature product of Amy Howard at Home is the One Step Paint, a new and revolutionary chalk-based paint that allows you to transform existing furniture or cabinetry in a single step – no stripping, sanding or priming (much like this method I use for painting kitchen cabinets).


I painted our kitchen cabinets as part of our budget-friendly kitchen makeover with Fusion Mineral Paint and only needed 4 pints for the job! And it is durable with or without a top coat.


A high-quality acrylic paint is easy to apply and it goes on smoothly (it self-levels nicely). Acrylic paint is far more durable than latex paint and has excellent adhesion, so it requires minimal prep work.

To see the other furniture paints I like and recommend, swipe up!

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