How to Make DIY Curtains with Colorful Tassels

Custom curtains are insanely expensive. But you can get a high-end custom look on a budget! These colorful DIY curtains with tassels are the easiest curtains you will ever “make” in your life!

Supplies needed:

- Pre-made curtain panels -Tassel trim - Straight pins - Sewing machine or fabric glue Swipe up for links to exactly what I used!


Gather your supplies and lay your curtain panels out side-by-side. Mark each panel where they meet in the middle so that you know which edges to attach your trim to.

Use straight pins to attach your tassel trim to the edges of your curtains. Make sure you have 1/2 inch or so of the trim wrap over the top and bottom of the curtain panel for a nice, finished look.


Next, you need to sew or glue your trim onto your curtains. If you don't want to sew, used fabric glue to attach your trim.


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